
Pomona : Rent Control Is Sought

About 50 residents of Pomona mobile home parks who say they have been victimized by unfair rent increases urged the City Council this week to impose a rent freeze and develop a rent-control system.

The council could not act on the request because it was not on the agenda. However, Councilman Willie E. White said he was “tired of rent-gougers,” and Councilwoman Nell Soto asked that the issue be put on the council agenda for its Dec. 2 meeting.

Councilman Tomas Ursua said tenants can win council support if they can document their claims of huge rent increases and present workable regulations.


Requests from tenants for rent control have led the council in past years to hire mediation services. But tenants say that such efforts have been fruitless.

Tenants told the council this week that their rents have been raised $100 a month, or more, and that some elderly residents are being forced to give up their mobile homes because they cannot afford the rents on their fixed incomes.
