
Voters in Duarte Helped Officials Address Issues

We are gratified that voters recognized Duarte’s progress over the past four years. Without the opportunity to meet personally with Duarte residents (during our recent reelection campaign), we would not be as well equipped to address Duarte’s future.

What about Duarte’s future? We expect to see continuing progress along the freeway corridor and improvements along Huntington Drive. Transportation, air- and water-quality issues will be addressed on an ongoing basis.

After meeting with so many Duarte residents, we must never forget that the soul of a city is not its buildings and infrastructure, but its people. Duarte’s diversity will require even greater attention during the next four years.


Our focus will be to enhance the human potential within Duarte, which is so vital to maintaining a vibrant community. We will strive to involve all Duarte residents in productively meeting these challenges during an era of stagnant or declining revenues from state and federal government.


JOHN FASANA, council member

