
Even After the Shock, It’s Hard to Get Used to Absence of Magic

The real tragedy is how one man’s refusal to exercise discretion, self-discipline and just plain common sense can bring so much pain to so many. And the media have exacerbated the situation by reminding us that HIV is not AIDS while presenting tributes that are little more than dress rehearsals for raising the black flag.

Worse has been their blatant recklessness and irresponsibility in placing this on the same level as Lou Gehrig being stricken with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. ALS is not dictated by personal behavior; HIV/AIDS, for the most part, is, and to suggest otherwise is an insult not only to Gehrig, but to all those who must battle this most cruel of diseases.

Magic Johnson asks us not to feel sorry for him. Believe me, I don’t.


Los Angeles
