
Sycamore School Will Reopen Next Fall

The Tustin school board has unanimously decided to reopen Sycamore School next year.

The school, on Elizabeth Way just north of Irvine Boulevard, was closed in 1978 along with four other schools when Tustin Unified School District’s enrollment was declining.

Monday’s decision to reopen comes in response to growing enrollment. The district now has 5,449 elementary pupils and expects enrollment to exceed 5,600 for the 1992-93 school year, according to Assistant Supt. Hollis Griffin.

District officials expect that about 300 pupils will begin attending Sycamore School in September, 1992. The board has not yet decided on attendance boundaries, but is likely to consider them later this year.


The elementary schools whose attendance boundaries will most likely be affected are Tustin Memorial and Marjorie Veeh.

Since it was closed, Sycamore has been leased for private school use and child-care programs. Four rooms are being used by the Santa Ana/Tustin YMCA child-care program, Griffin said. Whether that program will continue at Sycamore will depend on the school’s enrollment, he said.
