
Red Grapefruit Does Better Inland

QUESTION: My Star Ruby grapefruit tree produces lots of fruit, however, the flesh is usually sour and it turns only a pale pink, never red like the fruit I buy at the market.

ANSWER: You live in a coastal area of the Southland and your tree does not receive the long periods of warm temperatures that are necessary to sweeten the fruit and turn the flesh red. The Star Ruby grapefruit tree produces its best fruit in the lower deserts and hot inland valley areas.

Azalea Blight Not Harmful to Plant

Q: I have beautiful azalea plants, but at certain times of the year they get spots on the flowers. These spots seem to cause the flowers to wilt and die prematurely. What causes this and what can I do about it?


A: The spots are caused by a fungus called azalea flower blight. This is a common disease of azaleas that occurs during prolonged rainy, cool weather. This disease is usually not harmful to the plants themselves and it will clear up during warmer, drier weather. To control it, simply remove and destroy the diseased flowers.

Bird of Paradise Takes 3 or 4 Years to Bloom

Q: We have two bird of paradise plants that we planted two years ago. They get plenty of sun and we water and feed them. The plants look healthy, but they don’t produce flowers. What’s wrong?

A: It usually takes three or four years for bird of paradise plants to reach the stage when they will produce blooms. Be patient and give them a couple more years and you will probably be rewarded with lots of flowers.


Fescue Grass Should Be Fed in Fall and Spring

Q: When is the proper time to feed my lawn that is composed of a tall fescue grass?

A: Fescue is a cool-season grass that should be fed in fall and spring; not summer. Being a cool-season grass, fescue makes its best growth from fall to early spring.

Olallieberries Grow Well in Southland

Q: I moved here from Oregon where I grew marvelous Olallieberries. Will they grow here?

A: They will grow and produce well in most of the Southland. The bare-root plants are commonly available in local nurseries in January and February.

Barrier Can Keep Ants From Orchard Trees

Q: I have a terrible problem with ants in my home orchard. They climb my fruit trees and introduce aphids into the trees. I am an organic gardener and don’t believe in using pesticides around my fruit trees. Is there any safe way to control ants?


A: There are several products on the market known as ant barriers. These are simply sticky substances that you spread around the trunk of a tree. Ants get stuck in the substance and are unable to climb past it. Most nurseries carry one of these products.

Macadamia Nuts Tell You If They’re Ripe

Q: I purchased a property that has a lovely macadamia tree on it. It bears loads of nuts. How do I tell when they are ripe for picking?

A: Macadamia nuts should never be picked from the tree. The nuts fall to the ground of their own accord when they are fully ripe. When they fall, you should remove the husks and dry them in the sun for two weeks.
