
Protesters Urge Wall Be Torn Down

Homeowners and environmentalists opposed to a six-foot-high wall that blocks the view from Mulholland Drive protested in front of the white, stucco structure Saturday, proclaiming that they want the wall torn down.

About 15 people carrying placards reading “Rise up, fight this wall” gathered at the rally across the street from the 600-foot-long structure, which was built as security for developer Brian Adler’s exclusive North Beverly Park.

“This wall is a cement albatross and we want it down,” said John A. Diaz, Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy commissioner and newly appointed member of the Mulholland Scenic Parkway Citizens Advisory Committee. “I think it’s really an insult to the residents of Los Angeles.”


The advisory committee has voted to ask the City Council this week to revoke the permit for the wall, half of which sits on the public right of way, Diaz said.

The Department of Public Works granted the permit with the approval of the advisory committee.

But the committee gave the go-ahead thinking that a bar window that runs along 130 feet of the wall would be higher and allow a greater view than it does.


Adler has agreed to increase the window from three to four feet in height and is considering extending the length of the window.

Some protesters said those concessions do not address a concern that the wall blocks a wildlife crossing point.

Adler could not be reached for comment Saturday.
