
Library Is Given Some Low Marks

Re “Reading a Lot Into a Birthday” (Sept. 25): It would seem the Santa Ana Public Library has always suffered from being unclear on the concept!

Your article stated that 100 years ago, the goal of the librarians was to “suppress materials”! Now, 100 years later, librarians are stressing the natural light and shorter stacks as the major assets in the new library.

As a writer who needs frequent research materials, and with a decade of past experience as a library assistant, I have tried to use the Santa Ana Library on numerous occasions because its location is convenient to me.


I have found the card catalogue did not reflect the true inventory available on the shelves in far too many instances. No effort was ever made to help search for materials I needed. Research questions, either in person or by phone, were always poorly handled, leaving me frustrated and angry that precious time had been wasted.

Perhaps a better way to celebrate a century as a library would be to review what a “public library” is supposed to be. It has more to do with service and attitude than it does with brick and mortar!


Santa Ana
