
Debating the Soundness and Merits of Irvine’s Development and Planning

Thank God I am being delivered from Irvine. First the people of Irvine fail to reelect a mayor with a conscience, opting for a new mayor who not only lacks a conscience but also a memory.

Now the City Council has the vision to outlaw permanent markers due to graffiti (“City Marks Tougher Stance on Graffiti,” Sept. 27). This makes perfect sense to me since Irvine isn’t surrounded by other cities that freely sell these items. I suppose if I could find some way to use water to disrupt that ever-perfect, uniform sterility of Irvine that the City Council would see the dangerous and unappealing liquid as worthy of banning. If Moses had been in Irvine, I wonder if he would have been able to find a stone to engrave or any sharp object to transcribe the Ten Commandments.

It is sickening to me to see a body of grown adults imposing their self-centered will on the masses to satisfy an unhealthy desire for clean, undisturbed scenery. What is the message to your youth? They are not to be trusted and obviously irresponsible? Do you think if everything looks good nothing else matters?


Well, look around, the result of oppression is revolution, and if you keep stomping on your youth, one day they are going to explode. These are harsh words but someone has to say them. If Hitler were alive, I am sure he would love to visit Irvine. All his dreams have come true in “white” shiny Irvine.

Fortunately, I only worked in Irvine, but believe me, that was enough. Actually, I hope that the people of Irvine get everything they want and more. I just hope that no one gets hurt in the process. I have found in my own personal life that a kind, loving attitude works much better than a selfish, hateful one. I am writing this letter out of concern for a group of people who seem to be losing touch with what is really important: human beings (as opposed to concrete walls).


Corona del Mar

and San Diego Bound
