
Adler Gets Some Bipartisan Praise

Regarding the Commentary by Howard Adler, chair of the Orange County Democratic Committee (“It’s Time to Address the Issues That Voters Really Care About,” Sept. 29):

Howard is right. Our economy stinks. Our school system is in trouble. Crime is on the rise. The cost of health care is crippling businesses and families alike. The Democratic Party needs to stand for fundamental change.

The Republicans have failed. They campaigned against taxes but have increased taxes on the middle class. They have campaigned on the crime issue, but crime is up. They have eroded a woman’s right to choose. They can be beaten in 1992.


If Democrats do not make the case for dramatic change, there is no compelling reason to change presidents. We have to force a turnover and throw a few long passes. If Democrats offer clear and real solutions for California’s future, we have a chance to once again lead this nation.

Howard is to be commended for his candor. Politics needs business people like him who are willing to voluntarily commit time and energy to building a better country. Now I hope that I can persuade Howard to accept an appointment to our party platform committee.



California Democratic Party
