
A Call for an RV Inroad to Sunset Marina Park

The Times must be congratulated on the recent articles dealing with Sunset Marina Park. The article “Operators Not Docked for Marina Problems” (Sept. 8) was extremely informative and terrific investigative reporting.

Bringing this information to the public scrutiny should make the people in high places in government look more closely at their motivation for wanting the lease renegotiated eight years in advance. Perhaps they will try to get a better deal for the county and its people and not just give it all away (to the private lessee) as in the past.

A group of us have been following the Sunset Marina Park planning process for three years. We were working on trying to get the historically proposed campground plan implemented, not knowing that Supervisor Harriett M. Wieder had made up her mind against RV camping and that she was in control of the county regional park as it is in her District 2 area. We certainly didn’t know of her son’s involvement until your paper published it.


Even while we were writing letters and signing petitions, we were dead ducks as far as she was concerned and would never get an RV campground in that park, even though it would open up the park to many more people to use, especially when $9 million of the people’s money will be spent on it. We are continuing to encourage RV owners and potential owners to call their supervisors to ask for a campground. There are 170,000 registered RVs in the county. They should be heard from!



Fountain Valley Recreational

Vehicle Assn.
