
Pasadena : Drug Program Wins Grant

A community-based alcohol and drug treatment program has received a $2.76-million, five-year grant from the U.S. Office of Substance Abuse Prevention to expand its program.

Day One, a four-year-old network of 25 agencies in Pasadena and Altadena, will use the money to hire new staff and to enhance community programs, executive director Francisca Neumann said Tuesday.

One of the organization’s principal concerns is to “publicize the ways that people can become part of the process,” Neumann told the City Council.


Among other things, Day One plans to hire three community advocates to “serve as links between those searching for solutions” and established programs, she said. The organization will also hire a grant writer to help community groups prepare proposals.

Day One is one of 65 programs nationwide to receive funding from that federal office, Neumann said.
