
THE MILITARY INTELLIGENCE LANGUAGE SCHOOL U.S. ARMY FORT SNELLING, MINNESOTA <i> by Stone S. Ishimura (TecCom Productions, Box 39841, Los Angeles, CA 90039: $29.95 + $2.50 postage & handling).</i>

At the outbreak of World War II, the United States faced a critical shortage of Japanese translators that was filled by the Nisei volunteers shown in these crisp black-and-white photographs. After completing a grueling program of intensive linguistic training, they served in the Pacific, decoding enemy transmissions and persuading Japanese soldiers to surrender. While these men were risking their lives, their families remained interned in relocation camps: Ishimura quotes a group of Nisei soldiers who wanted to rush to the field and “get their hands on those dirty Japs that caused all the sufferings and hardships of evacuation.”
