
No Mystery Here

Perhaps more than any other performer of our time, Barbra Streisand has shaped the artistry of others by her mere presence. Her talent is the standard by which several generations of singers have been judged (“The Last of Her Kind Remains a Mystery,” Sept. 22).

Yet a review of her current 30-year retrospective could not be completed without reference to her “celebrated ego” and to the fact that she is not a singer of rock ‘n’ roll.

Ego and lack of being hip aside, Streisand’s music was played at our wedding, she could be heard as our children were conceived, and The Voice has been the soundtrack for many of life’s other finest memories as well.


One only has to listen to “The Broadway Album” or spend an afternoon with “Yentl” to “peek behind the curtain.” There is no mystery here, only nurtured and articulated talent.


