
San Gabriel : Dial-a-Ride Firm Dismissed

Citing frequent failures in the city’s Dial-a-Ride program, the City Council voted Tuesday to dismiss the El Monte company that provides van rides to elderly and disabled residents.

The City Council voted 5 to 0 to give 30 days notice to Mid Valley Transit that it will break off the firm’s three-year contract, which was to expire next June. The council voted to hire Community Transit Services Inc. of Santa Ana to continue the service, which provides an average of 1,500 rides a month.

City Administrator Robert Clute said Mid Valley failed to provide enough vans during peak hours, at times leaving callers without a ride or forcing them to wait up to two hours. Clute said the vans were sometimes inoperable and unclean.


A three-year contract with Community Transit Services will cost the city $194,380 a year, which was the lowest of eight recent bids. Passengers pay 50 cents per ride. The city would have paid Mid Valley $142,000 this fiscal year.
