
Disney Hall: ‘Work of Art’ or Wet Cardboard?

As an avid fan of the L.A. Philharmonic, I’d like to express my complete disapproval of the soon-to-be constructed Disney Hall.

In my opinion, that eye-wrenching architectural aberration is a visual disaster. I wonder how Walt Disney, a creative genius whose works were the embodiment of sensitive grace and beauty, would react to a structure that is seemingly in complete defiance of all the aesthetic values he portrayed.

Why should I embrace as “art” what appears to be the total self-indulgence of an apparently iconoclastic architect? It seems to me that the physical structure of a concert hall should reflect rather than defy the music that will emanate from it.


Instead of a cacophonous “galleon in full sail” what would be more appropriate would be a complex conceived as a melodic counterpoint to the lovely center we already thoroughly enjoy.

SKIP LOMBARDO, Westlake Village
