
Jewish Fund-Raising Unit Will Lay Off 54 Workers

The Jewish Federation Council, a fund-raising organization representing most of the Jewish groups in the Los Angeles area, will be laying off about a quarter of its workers soon, a spokesman said Thursday.

The loss of 54 workers was forced by a $7-million shortfall in donations during the crucial months of December, 1990, and January, 1991, federation President David Finegood announced at the organization’s Fairfax district headquarters.

Blaming the cuts on the recession and the need to send funds directly to Israel to help resettle a flood of Soviet emigres, Finegood thanked Local 800 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees for its “close partnership” in dealing with the funding shortage. But Beryl Stoker, president of the union, said she was “angered and disappointed,” since 87% of those to be fired will be union members. The union represents 68% of the council’s work force, she said.
