
ALL ABOARD: One increasingly popular alternative to...

ALL ABOARD: One increasingly popular alternative to crowded Orange County freeways is Amtrak. The commuter rail service, begun last summer between San Juan Capistrano and Los Angeles, has more than doubled its ridership in just over a year of operation. . . . County officials hope to add eight more rush-hour trains by 1993. Said one county official: “The more people become aware of it, the more they’re willing to give it a try.”

Train Trips

The rush-hour commuter train between Orange County and Los Angeles had its busiest month ever in August.

May ‘90: 6,148 riders

Aug. ‘90: 8,403

Nov. ‘90: 9,437

Feb. ‘91: 10,667

May. ‘91: 12,422

Aug. ‘91: 12,449

Source: Orange County Transportation Authority
