
Give Nelson a Chance

In regard to Mike Boehm’s review of Nelson’s concert at the Pacific Amphitheatre (“Nelson Is Positive--to a Fault,” Aug. 10):

You are dead wrong on what you said. . . . What is your problem with Nelson anyway? Just because they have a positive attitude toward life and they have major female fans, what difference does it make? They are excellent musicians, period. They have excellent harmonization. . . . I’m 25, and my fiance loves them as much as I do.

The majority of people at the concert were my age. The guitar work is the best I’ve heard from any band. Bands like Skid Row and Guns N’ Roses don’t have nearly the quality of music or sound that Nelson has. . . . I realize that they grew up in a musical family, but Matthew and Gunnar aren’t like their father. You can’t compare music because it’s totally different.


Also, the opening act, Tyketto, is the best opener I’ve seen lately. Give these guys a chance at success. Whether you like it or not, rock ‘n’ roll is here to stay forever. You may not even like Nelson, but please keep your personal preference out of it.


Costa Mesa
