
San Marino : Bigger Traffic Signs Urged

A traffic engineering report has suggested that 30 m.p.h. speed limit signs along Lorain Road, south of Huntington Drive, be replaced with larger ones to help slow traffic.

The report by Transtech Transportation of Walnut determined that the 1,600 vehicles per day using that stretch of Lorain were mostly residents and not “bypass traffic” trying to avoid Huntington.

Transtech also recommended that curbs be painted red on Euston Road at the intersection with Wembley Road to prevent parked cars from blocking sight. In addition, the report suggested reflective markers and arrows on Euston between Hampton and Wembley roads to warn motorists of the curve.


Project engineer Juan Perez said no improvements were necessary at the intersections of Old Mill Road and Mill Lane, nor at Windsor and Roanoke roads.
