
West Named Variety Executive Editor

Stephen West, an assistant business editor at the Los Angeles Times, has been named executive editor of Daily Variety, a Los Angeles-based trade newspaper that covers the entertainment industry.

Peter Pryor, who has been editor of Daily Variety since 1988, becomes editor-at-large. He will work on special projects.

West, whose appointment becomes effective Sept. 9, will be in charge of the news operation at the 25,000-circulation daily owned by Cahners Publishing Co., a subsidiary of London-based Reed International.


Founded in 1933, Daily Variety is expected to unveil a redesign this fall and install an electronic newsroom--monumental changes at a paper where, until recently, reporters pounded out their stories on antique manual typewriters.

West, 43, will report to Daily Variety Publisher Michael Silverman and work closely with Editorial Director Peter Bart.

Bart has overseen a significant revamp of the 81-year-old New York-based weekly Variety since he was named editor 22 months ago. Earlier this year, he was also given editorial control of Daily Variety.


West joined The Times in 1984 as a copy editor and before that was an editor and writer at the Los Angeles Herald Examiner.
