
Other Than That, the Review Was Just Great

I was so happy to see a positive--even glowing--review by Cathy Curtis that I was reluctant to write this letter pointing out an error in her article (“Unusual Dimensions,” OC LIVE! July 25) about the current juried exhibit at the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art. But as the president of the OCCCA Board of Trustees and an art history teacher, I was compelled to offer this correction.

Ms. Curtis pointed out that two of the artists in the exhibition “do takeoffs on Marcel Duchamp’s famous ‘Ceci n’est Pas un Pipe’ (This Is Not a Pipe) painting.” The painting is famous, but the caption under the pipe is not the title, and Marcel Duchamp is not the artist who created it.

The correct title is “La Trahison Des Images (The Treason of Images).” The painting (which is owned by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and is currently on display in the “High and Low” exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles) was done by Rene Magritte.



Laguna Beach
