
Opponents of Pierside Village Plan Are Feeling ‘Sandbagged’

Respect and appreciation go to Times reporter Bill Billiter for his well-researched and informative article about Coastal Commissioner Roger D. Slates (“O.C. Appointee Cuts Swath of Political Controversy,” July 21).

Through the years as councilwoman and mayor, I followed careers of key politicians like Mr. Slates. It is interesting to note the many influences and developmental alliances during his service on commissions.

Mr. Slates’ appointment to the California Coastal Commission tends to support the contention that the commission’s charge by the voters has been increasingly undermined.


A recent example was the denial by Mr. Slates and other commissioners to hear testimony on Huntington Beach’s Pierside development--despite staff’s work and recommendation. More important was the denial of citizens’ testimony and the right to speak.

The apparent subjugation of citizen power to the power of governmental decree is on the rise. The baton continues in the hands of development and political pundits. Mr. Slates is in good company.

