
Tax Credit for Children

Damn those politicians! (“Panel Urges $1,000 Tax Credit for Each Child,” front page, June 25).

I am livid at the inane reasoning of this bipartisan national commission. They propose a $1,000-per-child tax credit for all families with children, regardless of income. The national debt is at an all-time high. Our state budget deficit is $14.3 billion.

The current state population is 30 million. Global population is expected to surpass 10 billion in the next 25 years. Politicians should be discouraging parents from having large families, not encouraging them.


If this proposal becomes law, single taxpayers and persons on fixed income will have to pay for this foolishness.

If panel members are really that serious about strengthening the American family, let them deduct $5,000 from their annual income and donate it to a worthy cause. Gov. Pete Wilson announced a $5,000 cut in his pay to show his sincerity in trying to reduce the state’s red ink. I applaud him for it, but excoriate those who spend my hard-earned tax dollars on such nonsense.

