
Seeing the Show

Several friends and I went to see the preview performance of “M. Butterfly” at the Wilshire Theatre. Mind you, I said see , not hear.

My friend who purchased the tickets at the box office was assured that the sound system had been put into top performance condition and that for those with some hearing problems there would be hearing enhancers.

Three of us had orchestra seats, two balcony seats. None of us was able to hear more than half the dialogue. Visually, the show was fascinating, but we came away frustrated and angry.

The friends who had balcony seats had rented enhancers when they entered the theater. The theater staff apologized, replaced them three times and they still would not work properly. They were given back their rental fees.


I think the Nederlander Organization should “make it right.” We should get our money back and goodwill tickets to another performance so we will be able to understand the play--but only after they have made necessary repairs of the sound system.


Woodland Hills
