
Fazio’s Travels

I was disappointed to read in Sara Fritz’s article (“Firms Use Jets When They Court Official Washington,” front page, July 1) that Rep. Vic Fazio (D-Sacramento) is among those government officials who frequently fly on corporate aircraft--a practice that is inherently corrupting. This is the same congressman who has intoned against the evils of honorariums and who courageously voted for an ethics investigation of then-Speaker Jim Wright.

As an emerging congressional leader with a reputation for integrity and sensitivity to ethical issues, Fazio is also one of the key legislators on whom political reform advocates have staked their hopes that Congress will finally move this year to clean up the campaign finance system.

But Fazio’s corporate frequent flying suggests that his ascension to a top leadership post--chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee--may mark nothing more than his “joining the club.”


Instead of jetting around in planes provided by favor-seeking special interests, Fazio ought to be leading the fight for campaign finance reforms that reduce the influence such well-endowed groups already have over lawmakers.


California Director of Public Citizen

Los Angeles
