
The Calabasas Chamber of Commerce is holding...

The Calabasas Chamber of Commerce is holding a logo contest for the Calabasas Pumpkin Festival. The logo should be designed to express the theme “The Old West With a New Spirit. A Time for Family Fun.” Entries must be submitted in black and white, 8 by 10 and be received no later than Aug. 15. The winning designer will receive a $200 cash prize and be announced at the Calabasas Pumpkin Festival Kick-Off on Oct. 26. Entry applications can be obtained through the Calabasas Chamber of Commerce, (818) 992-7600.

The Japanese Garden at the Tillman Water Reclamation Plant, 6100 Woodley Ave., Van Nuys, will be open for evening tours through Sept. 2. The garden displays the distinct styles of Zen, a tea garden and more. The garden is operated by the Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation, under the Board of Public Works. For tour information and reservations, call (818) 989-8166.

The Chatsworth Community Coordinating Council announced the winners of the 1990-91 Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award at the annual installation and awards banquet June 7. Jeane Schnelker, nominated by the Chatsworth Women’s Club, was the adult winner, and Ryan Stern, nominated by the Chatsworth High School PTSA, was the youth winner. Other awards candidates were Richard and Reggie Beltran, Bill and Sue Briggs, Erica Forster, Sharon Keith, Cheryl Lunkusky, Bonita Michaelson, Marie Patterson, Eric Perez, Kyle Thompson and Linda Weisfuss. The Chatsworth Community Coordinating Council has been presenting the awards for 24 years to recognize and support the spirit of volunteerism.


The American Red Cross will hold its second annual Freedom Golf Classic to raise funds for its Glendale-Crescenta chapter. Tee-off time will be 11 a.m. July 22; the awards dinner will be held that evening at 5:30 p.m. The entry fee for golf participants is $150, which includes the awards banquet; additional banquet tickets are $30. The deadline to enter is July 10. For information, call (818) 243-3121.
