
Methadone Clinic

The article “City Drug Plan, Methadone-Permit Proposal Conflict” (June 5) neglected to mention a couple of key items.

I, too, spoke at that City Council committee meeting. During my testimony, which is on record, I clearly stated that the community doesn’t object to a methadone clinic being located in Serra Mesa.

What we object to is that it is located adjacent to homes and in the direct walking path of elementary and junior high children going to and from school. The clinic could be sited on Aero Drive, a part of Serra Mesa, but in a commercial area.


Our concerns are real. I mentioned hearing of clients fighting in front of the clinic, reckless driving, U-turns, public urination and what appeared to be drug deals occurring in the vicinity.

We didn’t mention property values, because we aren’t concerned about them. This is our community, and we care about it. We have done tremendous research in this area and have reasons to be concerned.

I invite you to ask the neighbors of any methadone clinic about their experiences. Also, I suggest you talk to a police beat officer near a methadone clinic or a narcotics officer. Gather some information before you condemn us for being concerned about the welfare of our children.


