

The concept of people of different cultures coexisting peacefully and enriching each other is a failed ideal being blindly pursued by multicultural advocates who choose to ignore the far more disturbing and tragic reality.

One need only examine the relationship of the French and the English of Canada; the Greeks and the Turks of Cyprus; the Jews and the Arabs of Israel; the Zulus and the Xhosas of South Africa, and so forth. The sorry list could go on ad infinitum.

Members of multicultural societies never exist on equal terms. Some are inevitably subordinate to others. The more evenly matched the cultural groups are, the greater the capacity for dissension and violence as they compete for dominance.


Eighty languages are represented in the schools of Los Angeles County. Government-sponsored multiculturalism can never be fair or equitable unless all cultural groups are included, and that is a mathematical impossibility. Multiculturalism must thrive and prosper within the private sector, untainted by governmental favoritism to a few.

By unfairly labeling as bigots and racists those who disagree with their agenda, the politically correct multicultural advocates of artistic affirmative action and quotas obscure the most important aspect of this divisive issue: By their actions, will the United States join the melancholy list of nations that are paralyzed by the violence and turmoil of competing ethnic groups?


Los Angeles
