
Klein ‘Casserole’ Piece Not to Everyone’s Taste

I enjoyed your column today on the Casserole Brigade. It is an aspect of getting older that can be both funny and serious. Although not yet 40 myself, I am fascinated by the social conditions of “ageism.”

My father-in-law passed away last year and my mother-in-law has had the toughest time of all of us. Fortunately, there is a bereavement group in Leisure World that meets weekly, and it has been a great help to her. Not long after his obituary was in the paper, someone called and offered her help and the information about the group. She is a tough, smart lady and was wise enough to accept the invitation. Although most participants were ladies, several men did show up--many complaining that the “casserole brigade” didn’t give them time to grieve and were a little too aggressive, too soon.

I’m sure the widower of 12 years would love it. My mother-in-law has returned to Canada for the summer so I am sending the clipping sheet of your article to her. I know she will enjoy reading it.


Tally Chilvers,

San Juan Capistrano
