
Frugal-Flier Plan

John Sununu is the latest catch in the game of identifying the abusers of government travel policies. However, the more important policy issue is re-evaluating the entire travel policy for government officials.

Travel on official business by government representatives should be made at government expense, via the most economical mode of travel. Many of the largest U.S. corporations have such travel policies in place for all employees, and the U.S. government should follow this example. Government employees who elect to travel first-class or use military aircraft should bear any additional financial burden of their decision, not the American taxpayer.

No one can doubt the need to protect the President and senior members of the government, and this protection must include the use of military aircraft such as Air Force One. However, the vast majority should be required to travel as if the money were coming out of their own pocket, and not out of mine.



San Clemente
