
FULLERTON : Water-Violation Hot Line in Place

City officials have put the finishing touches on a telephone hot line for residents who wish to notify the city about possible violations of water conservation measures.

The hot line--(714) 738-3177--was established after last month’s action by the Fullerton City Council to implement the first phase of the City’s Emergency Water Conservation Plan.

In addition, the hot line will provide Fullerton residents with information on the recently adopted water conservation requirements and advice on ways to save water.


Larry Sears, water system engineer for the city, said reports of violators will be checked out by the city. If they are verified, courtesy citations will be issued until June.

Sears said that if three citations are issued after the June deadline, the city has the option of installing a device to restrict the water supply to the property of the offender.

Phase One of the water conservation plan calls for a voluntary 10% reduction by businesses and residents. The first phase also includes a variety of specific water-use restrictions such as prohibiting the washing down of driveways, the serving of drinking water at restaurants unless requested by patrons, and the watering of landscaped areas.


City officials said they might adopt a stricter water-rationing plan if voluntary cutbacks fail. The remaining phases require mandatory reductions ranging from 10% to 25%.
