
Valley Lacks Voice on Police Panel

The Task Force For Our Fair Share, San Fernando Valley, is dedicated to the residents and businesses of the San Fernando Valley, ensuring that all receive their Fair Share by the city of Los Angeles and the state of California.

The Task Force is concerned over the marked absence of a representative on the Board of Police Commissioners. With the relationship between City Hall, the Police Department and the people of Los Angeles extremely tenuous at best due to the Rodney King incident, we feel an even greater concern that the people of the San Fernando Valley are not represented, a population of well over 1.6 million.

We feel it is imperative that a qualified representative of the San Fernando Valley be appointed immediately in an effort to help salvage and rebuild the lines of communication and trust between the people and the city and its officials.


DAYLE M. BAILEY & H. ANNE WHITEMAN, Mission Hills. Bailey and Whiteman wrote as co-chairmen of the task force .
