
Cypress Approves Pay Hikes for Police Supervisors

Police management personnel will get salary increases under an agreement approved last week by the City Council.

The agreement, which expires in December, gives captains a two-phased pay raise. A 5.7% raise, retroactive to last December, will be followed by another 1.7% hike in June. Lieutenants were awarded a 4.8% increase.

There was no change in the benefits package. Management personnel will have to pick up added costs on some medical and dental expenses, Personnel Director Gary Bacock said.


The increases put the salary range for lieutenants from $56,172 to $67,404 per year and at $65,160 to $78,192 per year for captains.

Bacock said the pay hikes will place Cypress police management in the “average” for most other Orange County departments.

All police employees are expected to head back to the bargaining table later this year to consider a five-year contract.
