
Land Deal Questioned

The Oxnard School District is determined to build its new high school near the junction of Gonzales and Patterson roads, just outside the city limits. But I think the school district should give serious thought to several problems:

* At a time of severe water supply shortages, the school district would be allowing more land for new construction. This inevitably will deplete our already limited supply of water by millions of gallons.

* The submitted environmental report appears to have been prepared to suit the purpose of building a school. No consideration is given to the nearby Bailard dump site, which poses a potential health hazard.


* Landowners will donate this land with a contingency that they can further develop the land north of Gonzales and west of Patterson roads for non-agricultural purposes. I believe we would be naive if we do not understand the landowners’ ulterior motive! Will the landowners drop this contingency?

I hope that the school district will not rush into a decision which may jeopardize the overall planning for the area.

Priyakant Mehta, M.D.

