
SIMI VALLEY : Council Moves to Annex Corriganville

The Simi Valley City Council has taken the first step toward annexing 183 acres of county land that will eventually be developed as Corriganville Community Park at the east end of the city.

The council voted 5 to 0 Monday night to approve an application to change the zoning of the property from county to city open space.

The property is east of Kuehner Drive between the Simi Valley Freeway and the Southern Pacific railroad tracks. The land was purchased jointly by the city and the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District in 1988.


A formal application for annexation will be submitted to the county Local Agency Formation Commission within 30 days, said Brian Gabler, assistant to City Manager Lin Koester.

LAFCO Director Bob Braitman said the commission would probably not rule on the proposal until May.

Gabler said the land will eventually be developed as a park that will include a visitor center, picnic areas, playgrounds, hiking and equestrian trails.


The property was once the site of a movie ranch owned by the late Hollywood stuntman Ray (Crash) Corrigan. The ranch, known simply as Corriganville, was destroyed in a fire in 1965. The remains of old movie sets will be preserved as points of interest.
