
The state Fair Political Practices Commission doesn’t...

The state Fair Political Practices Commission doesn’t often deal with comedians. That is, true stand-up comics--as opposed to those politicians who are unintentionally funny.

But such was the case when Assembly aide Phil Miller recently wrote to the FPPC. Miller is a budding comic who has tried out his material at the Comedy Store and the Improv in L.A., and he’s an instructor who teaches the art of drawing yuks at Pierce College in Woodland Hills.

Miller’s also an aide to La Habra Republican Ross Johnson. And he was seriously worried that he might be affected by a new law that prohibits state legislators and their staffers from receiving honorariums for speaking engagements.

No problem, the FPPC said.

“While your routine as a comic may include an oral presentation,” the agency wrote back, “it is questionable that it would be of a ‘substantive nature.’ ”


Miller may be the first comic ever heckled by the FPPC.

The proximity of Hollywood creates a special frame of reference for Southern Californians. For instance, a self-described “Sally Struthers double” recently advertised in the personals section of a weekly newspaper that she was searching for “an Armand Assante, Rutger Hauer or James Coburn look-alike.”

Struthers, of course, played Rob Reiner’s wife in TV’s “All in the Family.”

“Meathead” doubles, evidently, need not apply.

Was it civic rivalry, or a decades-old inside joke?

The answer is lost in the smoggy mists of time. But a large-scale Dueling Signs competition is still raging along the Santa Monica-L.A. border.

Texas Avenue in West L.A., for example, turns into Arizona Avenue when it crosses into Santa Monica. There’s some logic there. But how to explain Idaho Avenue becoming Colorado Avenue (see photo) as you move west? Or Pennsylvania being west of Iowa? Or Delaware being west of Tennessee?


Sounds suspiciously like another plot by the People’s Republic of Santa Monica.

Just the thing for a condemned man:

A snack shop in the downtown County Courthouse sells single cigarettes for 15 cents apiece.


The L.A. County Museum of Art has a Steve Martin Gallery, named for the actor-comic, who is a major donor. No, it doesn’t house any statuary with fake arrows or rabbit ears attached to the heads. But Martin did get permission to roller skate through the museum in the film, “L.A. Story.”
