
Wiesel Foundation Honors Bush

Associated Press

Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel, presenting a humanitarian award to President Bush, exhorted the President on Monday “to listen to Israel’s fears, just as Israel should listen to the President’s hopes.”

Bush, chosen for the award long before Iraqi President Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, was honored by the Wiesel Foundation for “your moral courage and unshakeable resolve,” Wiesel said.

“Thanks to you, Mr. President, small nations feel more secure,” Wiesel said. “Thanks to you, evil has been dealt a dramatic blow. Thanks to you, Mr. President, the last decade of the 20th Century may well be remembered for its quest for peace rather than its obsession with violence and death.”


Wiesel, a survivor of the Holocaust, formed the foundation after he was awarded the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize. Its mission is to advance the cause of human rights and peace.

Bush said it was a great honor to receive the award, “and it’s special for me to get it from a man I admire greatly.”
