
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Registration Slated for Kindergarten

The Huntington Beach City School District will hold kindergarten registration next Monday at each of its six elementary schools for the 1991-92 school year.

Children who will be 5 years old on or before Dec. 2 this year are eligible to be enrolled in kindergarten.

Registration times vary. For details parents should contact their home schools: Eader, 9291 Banning Ave., 962-2451; Hawes, 9682 Yellowstone Drive, 963-8302; Kettler, 8750 Dorsett Drive, 536-7567; Moffett, 8800 Burlcrest Ave., 963-8985; Perry, 19231 Harding Lane, 962-3347, and Smith, 770 17 St., 536-1468.


Parents must bring proof of the child’s date of birth and an immunization record at the time of registration.
