
ANAHEIM : Council Approves Downzoning Plan

After pleas by about 75 residents of the Carbon Canyon Homeowners Assn., the City Council this week unanimously approved reclassifying land just south of their homes to allow only smaller developments such as low-density condominiums or single-family homes.

The residents, who feared that the council would not approve the city Planning Commission’s approval to downzone the area, told the council Tuesday that they were concerned that zoning for a high-rise development would result in increased traffic, noise and blocked views in front of their townhouses.

The Planning Commission approved the downzoning last month, and the council followed suit Tuesday.


“It’s wonderful. It’s exactly what we wanted,” said Joseph La Roche, president of the homeowners association.

The owners of the parcel on Lincoln Avenue, just west of Magnolia Avenue, had requested that the land be approved for commercial and retail use after a previous attempt to build housing on the property failed to win residents’ support.

La Roche said a commercial project on the property could be acceptable to the homeowners group, but members would need to review detailed plans before supporting the project.
