
The L.A. Marathon, the past scene of...

The L.A. Marathon, the past scene of world-class performances by a man juggling baseballs and a French waiter balancing a champagne glass on a tray, has a new specialist this year.

Mike Cuzzacrea of Buffalo hopes to break his own world record (3:06.22) in Sunday’s race for running a marathon while flipping a pancake.

“It won’t be easy,” pointed out race spokesman Jeff Green. “Pancakes are easier to flip there (in Buffalo) because they freeze. And, if he drops the pancake he has to stop to pick it up, according to Guinness (World Record) rules. You can only use one pancake.”


Other colorful entrants include a man who wears a coat covered with coins and calls himself Mr. Penny, identical twins from Beverly Hills who are celebrating their 50th birthday, and five businessmen who will run as Elvis imitators, complete with wigs, sideburns and jumpsuits.

“Last year they ran as the Lakers and Celtics, but it didn’t work out so well,” Green said of the businessmen. “Every time the Celtics came to a water station they got water thrown at them.”

The word “tramp” must make Walt Disney officials cringe these days.

Peggy Lee is suing Disney, contending she deserves a share of the multimillion- dollar videocassette profits for her singing roles in the animated movie, “Lady and the Tramp.”

And just a couple of months ago, Disney was the target of protests over a toy called “Steve the Tramp.” Homeless activists criticized the description of Steve as “hardened and bitter after a life on the mean streets.” The toy was eventually removed from store shelves.


Luckily, for Disney and perhaps for Peggy Lee, “Lady and the Tramp” is still very much on the shelves.

Here, it’s the Inter national Rifle Assn.:

The L.A. Gun Club on East 6th Street offers instruction in English, Japanese, Korean and Spanish.

List of the Day:

Monterey Park’s City Council recently voted to put its most famous resident--the late potato chip queen Laura Scudder--on a list of people who will have streets named after them. Finally. Scudder cooked her first batch in 1926.


An investigation by this column reveals that several other cities have also neglected to name streets in honor of food-industry pioneers, including:

1. Glendale, home of Bob Wian’s first Bob’s Big Boy (1936).

2. Temple City, site of Verne Winchell’s first Winchell’s doughnut shop (1948).

3. Long Beach, where Marie Callender opened her first pie shop (1948).

4. Lakewood, home of the first Denny’s (then a doughnut shop), founded by Harold Butler and Ed Jezak (1953).

5. Baldwin Park, where Harry Snyder unveiled the first In-N-Out burger stand (1948).

Not only has Baldwin Park failed to honor Snyder, but last year the city refused a request from In-N-Out to change the name of its corporate headquarters’ street from Virginia Avenue to Hamburger Lane.

Perhaps the most unusual local wedding Thursday--you have to be careful about such generalizations around here--was the ceremony linking Pam Stratmeyer and Tim Scott under a fishnet canopy.

The two Fullerton residents wore fishing gear and walked down the aisle under crossed fishing poles at the Long Beach Convention Center.

Stratmeyer, 36, and Scott, 32, won the privilege of being married at the Western Fishing Tackle & Boat Show after sending in the best essay on how the sport brought them together. They went fishing on their first date and obviously hooked each other.



LAPD officers patrol the city on 434 motorcycles, 925 patrol cars, 70 bicycles and 31 horses.
