
Turns Out, Item for Auction Was a Little Too Gender-ous

Barbara Hutchins of Littleton, Colo., attended last weekend’s silent auction to benefit the Winter Park Handicapped ski program.

But she couldn’t keep silent.

Hutchins was about to bid on a nifty package--two tickets to a Denver Bronco road game, seats on the team plane and a room at the team hotel--when she was informed that the Broncos’ charter flights were for men only.

Outraged, Hutchins wrote the word “BULL” on her bid, submitted it and soon was discussing gender bias with auction organizers.


Hutchins said afterward: “Here we are, supporting one group of (disabled) people, and they (Winter Park) are discriminating against another.”

Add auction: Jack Buckheister, Winter Park vice president for public affairs, said Tuesday: “We did have some concerns about (the men-only provision), too, and the item was withdrawn.”

When asked whether Hutchins’ protest prompted the item’s being withdrawn, Buckheister said: “We have an excellent working relationship with the Broncos, and we’ve got to maintain that. There was not a lot of interest in the item, and we did have underlying concerns. We certainly didn’t want to undermine our relationship with the Broncos.”


Last add auction: Said Hutchins: “In Colorado, nobody--the media, the public, any organization--wants to criticize the Broncos. But if they’re going to pick on the Patriots (for owner Victor Kiam’s remarks about reporter Lisa Olson), why don’t they say anything about the Broncos?”

Trivia time: Name the only 1991 NBA All-Star who was not a first-round draft choice.

Sunken feeling: The Miami Heat’s 94-78 loss to the Cleveland Cavaliers on Tuesday night put Heat guard Sherman Douglas in a poetic mood.

Said Douglas: “Guys weren’t in sync. It was gone. In fact, the whole kitchen sink was gone. Everything was gone.”


Issues and answers: From Baltimore Sun columnist John Eisenberg:

“FACT: When Jose Canseco faces Roger Clemens this year, the at-bat will have a net worth of almost $15,000. (Based on a full season of play, Canseco will get $8,000 per at-bat, Clemens $6,500 per out.) . . .

“OPINION: If we all close our eyes and wish really hard, maybe the Notre Dame basketball team won’t show up on TV any more this year. . . .

“FACT: The New York Giants gave a 480-question test to players at last weekend’s NFL scouting combine. Among the questions was “True or false: I would really like to be a nurse.” . . .

“OPINION: If we all close our eyes and wish really hard, maybe Victor Kiam simply will go away.”

Trivia answer: Portland Trail Blazer center Kevin Duckworth.

Quotebook: UC Santa Barbara basketball Coach Jerry Pimm, on his plans for Nevada Las Vegas, which UCSB faces tonight: “Just drop back 10 and punt . . . and try to punt it out of bounds.”
