
CLIPBOARD : A Gaggle of Languages

Researched by: APRIL JACKSON / Los Angeles Times

The number of non-English-speaking students enrolled in Orange County school districts has increased dramatically. During the past five years, the number of Limited-English Proficient (LEP) students enrolled in English as a second language (ESL) classes has increased by almost 70%. Spanish speakers, who make up three of every four students in these classes, have increased from 32,113 in 1986 to 61,235 in 1990--a 91% leap. Here’s how the various language groups have grown:

First Language 1986 1990 % Change Spanish 32,113 61,235 +91 Vietnamese 6,896 8,059 +17 Cantonese 674 503 -25 Korean 1,331 1,569 +18 Filipino 431 614 +42 Portuguese 29 52 +79 Mandarin 711 594 -16 Japanese 486 847 +74 Cambodian 1,084 921 -15 Lao 651 446 -31 All Others 3,122 5,042 +61 TOTAL 47,528 79,882 +68

Source: California Department of Education, Bilingual Education Office
