
Politically Correct Orthodoxy

I don’t believe Rosen understands the topic she wrote about. The premise of “politically correct” thinking is that the student must agree and mimic by rote the political ideals of the professor doing the teaching.

These ideals are normally left-wing liberal approaches to every facet of life. In an educational environment, students should be exposed to facts and truth. The exchange of ideas is also a part of education as long as the student chooses what to accept as the best approach to life.

She mistakenly identifies “politically correct” thinking only to the narrow scope of rewriting history to give more importance to minorities and women. Although this is a popular fad, it by no means deals with the real meaning of her topic.


I can understand that if she addressed the real meaning of the topic, it would be extremely distasteful to describe “forced adherence” as being an education.

Education, not indoctrination!


