

Desert Images owner Richard Bogart said a popular misconception about cacti and other succulents is that they need no water.

Although they require far less water than other popular landscape covering, to flourish they do require watering. Here are Bogart’s tips on caring for cacti:

* A potted cactus or one planted in your yard will need to be watered thoroughly once a week over the summer and moderately every 10 days during the fall and winter. Of course, watering is unnecessary in the event of rain.


* Some of the smaller potted varieties will also need shade protection against exposure to a full day of sunlight.

* For landscape-planted varieties of cacti and other succulents, you’ll need to follow the same regimen.

* Once a landscape-planted cactus has established a root system--usually after the first year--a moderate watering three to four times yearly will suffice.


* Make sure the drainage in your yard is good. You don’t want the water to pond up.
