
Stop Building During Drought

I have written Gov. Pete Wilson and told him I am concerned about the drought that our state is experiencing and that I will continue to conserve water, and step up my efforts to do more. I believe, however, that cities such as Thousand Oaks are committing a grave injustice against their inhabitants by imposing rationing while sanctioning the development of thousands of new dwellings.

The people who have not relied on automatic sprinklers, have fixed leaks and have cut back all their lifestyle because of job changes or losses will come out on the short end of water rationing. It happened with the energy crisis in the ‘70’s, and it’s happening again.

It is outrageous to embrace the construction of new dwellings and businesses because the city needs revenue. These yet-to-be residents, who will add to this obviously overburdened system, in the future can join in the rationing of the resource that was in too--short supply before the arrival. They can demand, as I do now, that government be responsible to the people it serves, not the revenue it hopes to reel in.


JOAN DOWNEY, Thousand Oaks
