
PLATFORM : No Need for Draft

<i> The war against Iraq has made many college students wonder if the United States will reinstitute a draft. KEN EDELBERG, a 20-year-old student at Los Angeles Valley College, commented on that possibility:</i>

Because we have 400,000 troops right there, it’s not apparent that we need more soldiers. I hear that we have more reservists and more people who are still on active duty so I feel that the draft isn’t necessary right at this moment.

Most of (my friends) are scared of the draft. We all feel that if (the war) lasts long enough there will be a draft. It’s not apparent how long it’s going to last. They say . . . a few weeks. Now that’s just a morale-booster in my opinion.

Right now the war is, in a sense, going our way. There’s not a lot of people against it. But if it turns out to be as unpopular as Vietnam, then I think students will try to resist.


I thought we would never have to worry (about a draft). When the Berlin Wall fell, I thought there was going to be no war whatsoever. Our once big-time enemy was now our friend, so I didn’t feel any reason to think about it.

I don’t know what I’d do (if I were drafted), I really don’t. I’d freak.
