
OXNARD : Rationing Plan to Be Aired Tuesday

The Oxnard City Council will hold a public hearing tonight to hear comments on a drought-fighting plan that mandates a 10% cut in residential water use and a 30% cut in agricultural use.

The meeting in the City Council chambers at 305 W. 3rd St. will begin at 7:30 p.m.

The water rationing plan, which will take effect March 1 if adopted, was initiated in response to a mandate by the city’s main water supplier, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.

MWD has ordered its customers to reduce residential and business water consumption by 15% and agricultural irrigation by 30%.


If the city fails to meet the MWD requirements, it will be fined $393 for every acre-foot beyond its allocation.

If the city cuts back use by more than required, it will receive a $99 credit for every acre-foot saved.
