
Debating U.S. Involvement in Gulf Conflict

As I listened to the eminent success of the initial attack on the forces of Hussein, my thoughts returned to an earlier effort of the United States in the Middle East. In 1980 we couldn’t get our helicopters to function effectively, making a hostage rescue attempt a dismal failure.

To witness via television the competency, skill and high morale of our armed forces today makes me want to quickly say: “Thank you, President Reagan, for restoring to the United States the capability of being a respectable force in the fight against tyranny in the world.” This didn’t happen overnight; Reagan took a lot of criticism as he fought for a strong defense.

Reagan was not merely a great communicator; he gave us back our respect for this country, to say nothing of making the world a safer place. Even the demonstrators should be grateful to him.


RANDOLYN S. BRADY, Laguna Niguel
