
Riley’s Short Life

I am writing in response to Tony Perry’s column about the dogs from the pound who “march for their lives” at the La Jolla Christmas Parade.

Contrary to the claim made by Sally Hazzard, the director of the Department of Animal Control, “mistakes” like the one that killed Riley are not the exception, but the rule. Our organization regularly receives complaints from angry and despairing members of the public who have had bad experiences at the pound. “Mistakes” at the pound are many and varied; ranging from owned animals put to death before their “time is up,” to animals who have “holds” placed on them, like Riley, but thanks to computer error, get the needle and death instead of a loving home and life.

At the county pound, decisions are made based on cost, not on caring; and “mistakes” are repeatedly blamed on “computer error.” It’s time for a change: to make animal control humane, and a pound become a shelter, management must operate out of compassion. In spite of the valiant volunteer efforts of Friends of County Animal Shelters to improve conditions and increase adoptions, our pound continues to be the shame of San Diego.


SALLY MACKLER, Director, San Diego Animal Advocates
