
Avoid Road to Ruin

What a terrible shame that the lives of two more individuals have been taken on the train tracks of North County. The heartfelt sadness and support of every San Diego County resident surely go out to their families and friends.

But for public officials to take this, or any other, opportunity to seek $736 million in our money to build underpasses and other “grade separations” can only be viewed as a monument to the arrogance and sleepiness of those in charge.

Who are those officials who have failed to notice that our governments at every level have spent themselves, and each one of us as their sources of funds, into undeclared bankruptcy over recent years. Can they be so asleep at the switch as to go ever onward down the same road to ruin, learning nothing and making no changes as they go?


Surely some pedestrian barriers and signs would solve these troubles for about $735 million less than those officials have proposed spending.

This rail project is another example of short-sighted, self-inflating politicians and bureaucrats at work.

